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Israel and the Arab World
Their Contribution to Mankind
Comparison Charts
Part I: The State of Israel and the Arab Countries
General Facts
Life Quality & Education
Nature & Ecology: Bio-technology
Nature & Ecology: Energy
Science, Health & Medicine
Engineering & Technology
Defense & Aerospace Industry
International Solidarity
Part II: The Jewish People and the Arabs
Considered within an International context,
Jews outside present-day Israel, Arabs in the Worldwide scene
Jewish & Arab Personalities in History
Jewish & Arab Personalities in Modern Times
Jewish & Arab Achievements
Nobel Prizes

Part I
The State of Israel and the Arab Countries
General Facts


Area: 22,145 km2
(The area of the State of Israel fits 545 times into the Arab World's area, that is roughly 0.18% of the lands)
Area: 12,061,226 km2
(Strictly, they are 17 Arab countries, while the Arab League includes other 4 states, which are not Arab, and the disputed territories,
totalizing 22)
Population: 8,585,000 Israeli Citizens (2016 estimate)
Jewish, Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Circassians, etc.
Population: ca. 330,000,000 (2007 estimate)
17 Arab countries have 46 times the population of Israel
Literacy rate: 97.5% (Jewish population: 100%)
Female literacy rate as percentage of male literacy rate: 97.5%
(Jewish population: 100%)
The 2.5% illiteracy rate as well as the 2.5% difference between male and female literacy are verified within the Arab population.
Literacy rate: between 49% and 92%
All Arab countries have a literacy rate lower than any European nation or any former Soviet Republic, and lower than most countries of the American Continent as well.
Only Palestinians, most of whom have received Israeli schooling, and Jordan, have over 90% literacy rate. 3 Arab
countries below 60%, other 2 do not reach 70%, other 5 between 70% and 80%
Female literacy rate as percentage of male literacy rate:
The inequality is quite noticeable except in Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain, countries in which the majority of the population are immigrants who have been educated in their homelands. In the whole Arab world, about 50% of Arab native women are illiterate.
Israel has the highest
number of university degrees per capita in the world.
Israel has the highest
number of scientific publications per capita in the world.
The Arab
world has the lowest number of university degrees per capita in the
The Arab
world has the lowest number of scientific publications per
capita in the world (close to nothing).
Press Freedom:
There is complete press freedom in Israel, ranked with European and North-American States at the highest places worldwide; has by far the highest rate in the Middle East and occupies the highest rank with Japan in Asia.
Press Freedom:
There is limited or no press freedom in the Arab countries. Saudi Arabia shares the lowest places with Iran, Libya, North Korea and other dictatorship regimes. Most Arab countries are found in the lower section of the list.
Religious Freedom:
There is complete religious freedom in Israel.
Even though Israel is the "Jewish State", Judaism has not the status of official religion. Any religious institution may establish its worship places in Israel, as well as their headquarters and main temples.
Religious Freedom:
In Saudi Arabia, there is absolutely no religious freedom nor religious tolerance, not even for foreign workers or tourists. A muslim's conversion is punished with death
penalty. In other Arab countries,
a limited religious tolerance exists for historical communities (Copts, Assyrians, Armenians, etc). In general, religious tolerance is granted only to foreigners and tourists, not for nationals.
Women's Rights:
Israel is the most advanced democracy in the world concerning Women's rights. Complete gender equality is granted in every aspect – social, cultural, political, etc.
There is no other State in which Arab women are conferred equal rights by law.
The Israeli Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law is the most comprehensive and far-reaching law of its kind anywhere in the world.
Israel has the highest rate of female entrepreneurs in the world.
Women's Rights:
It is in Saudi Arabia where restrictions against women's freedom are the most extreme in the world. In that country, women are denied the most basic civil rights.
Gender discrimination against women and domestic violence are a general feature in the whole Arab world, even in the most socially developed countries as Jordan. In spite of the technical existence of some legal rights, they are actually seldom applied and have much less force than social pressure, that prevents women from exerting some of their few rights granted by law.
Unacceptable female children's rights violations as infibulation and clitoridecthomy are still widely practised in several Arab countries, even though in some of them such mutilations are formally illegal.
Life Quality & Education


Israel has by far the highest life quality standard in the Middle East and is ranked among the highest ones in the world.
Life quality standards in the Arab countries are among the lowest in the world, mainly women's living conditions.
Israel is among the 6 countries with the longest average life expectancy in the world.
In spite of Arab terrorism, Israel is among the 5 safest countries in the world, with the lowest rate of murder per capita after Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and Austria.
The Israeli income per capita is at the same level of the most developed European States, often over nations like the United Kingdom.
There is a great social disparity among Arab countries, richess is concentrated in few oil-dealing families, but the mass population is generally poor.
Israel is, regarding her population, the first receiver of immigrants in the world.
Arab countries are prevailing emigrant issuers, except rich Gulf states in which most immigration is related with oil companies.
Israel has the highest number of personal computers per capita in the world.
The use of Internet in the Arab world is subject to censorship. There is no free web surfing.
Israel has the highest number of university degrees per capita in the world.
About 24-25% Israeli workers have university degrees, of which a half are advanced degrees.
The rich oil companies of the Arab countries hire engineers, technicians and qualified workers from developed Western nations, as well as from India and other countries.
Israel holds the first place in the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 1.45% - compared with 0.85% in the USA, about 0.70% in Japan, and 0.60% in Germany.
Israel is, by a large margin, the State that issues the highest number of scientific publications in the world, with a rate of 109/112 per
10,000 people.
Science is heavily conditioned by religious prejudices and there is not any research activity in the Arab world.
Israel is the Nation having the highest rate of patents filed per capita.
Inventions in the Arab world date back to the Middle Ages.
Israel takes the second place in the world for production of new books per capita.
There is no press freedom, or very restricted, and any book must fit the religious standards.
Israel takes the third place in number of businessmen per capita, and the absolute first place in number of female entrepreneurs in the world, as well as for people aged over 55 having independent business activities.
Israel holds the first place in the world for number of museums per capita.
Nature & Ecology: Bio-technology


Israel was the only country in the world that has achieved in having a constant increasement in number of trees during the 20th Century and is still the only one keeping such progress in the present.
All Arab countries have an overwhelmingly prevailing arid land. It is a proven fact that the main cause of desertification is human activity. Countries that once were productive soils as the Nile Valley or the Fertile Crescent have become arid after the Arab conquest.
Israel was the only country in the world that has achieved in having a constant increasement in number of trees during the 20th Century and is still the only one keeping such progress in the present.
Drip irrigation technology is an Israeli invention. This method allows the growth of plants in arid soil by regular and slow distribution of water in order to achieve the best irrigation with the least consumption of water. After its success in Israel, this method has been applied also in the American Continent
and Australia.
There is not any irrigation system patented in any Arab country, in spite of their great need of making their desertic extensions become more productive lands.
Israel achieved in making the Negev desert blossom and produce flowers, in such a way that Israel is a major exporter of flowers to
Europe (including tulips to the Netherlands).
The Israeli company Tal-Ya Water Technologies
has recently developed a new saving water irrigation technology that consists in collecting dew. This system conveys other ecological advantages,
such as reducing also the use of fertilizers and pesticides.
The date palm is a typical Middle Eastern tree, usually associated with the Bedouins as a primary food resource. An average palm yields about 17-18 kilos of dates a year. Israel has developed a short variety that may be harvested without climbing and yields around 180 kilos of dates a year.
Israeli scientists have developed self-defending banana plants, which are completely immune to pathogenic agents that are commonly found as parasites and are harmful for the plant and its fruit.
The special quality of cherry tomatoes that is now most requested worldwide as an exquisite berry variety was the result of an Israeli bio-tech production.
Israel has the highest
yield in the world in cotton cultivation,
reaching 97% per hectare. The Israeli method for
cotton cultivation is being applied in countries
like India and Ethiopia, that need to increase
their production.
Israeli bio-technology is
the first in the world in continuously
developing new methods for improving the
production in food industry. Among the many
achievements and inventions, they are: having
successfully germinated sapling date palms from
seeds 2,000 years old; increasing the olive
harvest through strengthening the olive trees
with natural vitamines; creating virus-resistant
plants and fruit; creating hybrid fish varieties
that became adaptable to waters of high
temperature and salinity, so that they can be
grown in desert water ponds; a cooling system
for milk-producing cows, that allows them to
enjoy better conditions during the summertime;
many other advanced goods which would help arid
lands to become more suitable for human and
animal life.
Israeli wines are among the
top quality ones, having won several gold medals
in international wine contests.
Israel has many times reached the world record in milk production.
The Israeli company Netafim is a pioneer and global leader in innovative solutions for
increasing crop yields and preserving water resources. Netafim leverages cutting-edge irrigation technologies,
advanced crop management technologies and extensive agronomic expertise providing customers with tailored solutions from initial feasibility studies to post harvesting. The company also provides solutions for biofuel energy projects, open-field crops, orchards and groves, greenhouse projects, etc. Netafim is active today in over 110 countries on 5 continents.
Israel is recognized worldwide as a leader in agriculture technology. This fact is even more remarkable considering that the Jews were not farmers by tradition before they resettled in Israel and were not familiar with agricultural techniques, which they have developed as a newly acquired discipline. Israeli
scientists are engaged by foreign affairs ministries of highly
developed countries for teaching bio-technology.
Israel has the highest number of new bio-technology companies per capita in the world.
Israel contributes also with the preservation of animal species risking extinction, such as the scimitar-horned oryx, that has been saved through Israeli endeavour.
Israel Desalination Engineering is a world leader company in thermal desalination and water treatment technology, having installed hundreds of plants in more than 40 countries.
Israel contributes at international level through Cinadco, performing:
International human resource training in specialized and practical
courses and seminars held in Israel.
On-the-spot overseas training courses and seminars
conducted in developing countries.
Professional and project operations of long-term oriented missions.
Expert advisory missions, feasibility and development
planning programs and projects.
Coordination of joint applied and adaptive research programs relevant to
developing countries.
Agricultural development programs, project planning and formulations.

Nature & Ecology: Energy


Israel has achieved in producing ecological petrol, a syntetic oil that is not harmful for the environment. Biopetrol is suitable also for developing petrochemicals. The rough stuff consists in sewage sludge.
Arab countries' economy is almost entirely based on a highly polluting energy source: mineral oil (petroleum).
Israel is a world leader in developing environmentally clean alternative energy sources, mainly solar energy, having the most advanced solar technology in the world. Besides high efficiency and cleanliness, Israeli systems have also the lowest cost.
Arab states use petroleum not only as energy source but also for exerting political pressure over the world.
Many solar energy plants in the United States are built by Israeli companies, applying Israeli technology. The energy supplied by them replaces millions of barrels of oil every year. The Mojave Desert solar-powered electricity plant in California is one of them. At present, Israel is working in the project of building in
the Negev Desert the largest
solar energy plant in the world.
The environmental impact and other harmful effects caused by petroleum determine this energy source to be unsuitable for the planet's health and scientific research is required to find alternative sources in order to avoid further damage to nature and mankind.
Israeli solar-thermal energy plant
Solar energy plant in Mojave Desert
Examples of clean,
environmentally friendly
energy resources
Oil Field in Qatif, Arabia
Israel has the highest rate of square metres of solar collectors per capita in the world.
Israeli universities graduate the highest number per capita of engineers and scientists specialized in alternative energy in the world. Israeli experts in this field are sought after by the most developed countries.
The Weizmann Institute of Sciences in Rehovot is a world leader in solar technology. One of their projects consists in producing non-polluting hydrogen through solar energy, which is stored as solar chemical and released according to need. Energy source is
brought from metal ore like zinc oxide which reacts with water producing
hydrogen fuel, while the remaining zinc is recycled for further processes.
The production of hydrogen fuel is also being developed by the Weizmann Institute for ecologic cars that would emit only water instead of petrol smoke from the tailpipe. The mass production of electric cars would be highly beneficial for the planet's environmental conditions and essential for freeing the world from the dependance of oil sources, largely controlled by regimes
which are enemies of democratic and human values.
Israeli scientists have developed a technology for cleaning the seas from petroleum pollution.
The solar water tank, that converts solar energy into thermal energy, is an Israeli invention.

Science, Health & Medicine


Israel is undoubtedly a leading nation in modern medicine. Israeli and Jewish scientists worldwide are responsible for the largest number of discoveries, inventions, treatments and medical research existing nowadays, from simple tablets or lotions to the most sophisticated devices and pharmacy products, for treating
from a common flu to the most
complex diseases.
Arab medicine development dates back to the Middle Ages, when ancient Greek treatises on the subject were translated by Nestorians into Arabic and therefore Arab physicians learnt from the Greek knowledge. In those times, the Arab/Persian world was more advanced than Europe in medicine.
Today, when doing any research about health system in the Arab countries, it is common to find commentaries praising those ancient Arab scientists, but nothing is said about the present situation.
The achievements in medicine that belong to Israelis are such a great number that this list would become a very long one if all of them were mentioned, therefore, here we would present only some of the latest discoveries and inventions, in order to show examples of the important contribution of this nation to mankind's health.
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, an Israeli company, is the world's largest producer of antibiotics and generic pharmaceuticals. Teva's Innovative Research and Development is a world leader in creation and testing of new therapeutic drugs.
Arab countries have experienced progress in reducing infant mortality, improving life expectancy and health care. However, there are still many relevant problems as a very high maternal mortality (average rate doubles that of Latin America), noticeable disparities between rural and urban areas, almost exclusively curative treatment
rather than preventive care, inadequate health policy, etc.
Israeli discoveries, research and inventions in the field of medicine and hygiene are in continuous growth and cover from personal care items as Epilady (electric hair removal device), created in a kibbutz, to new therapies for cancer and other very severe diseases, developed in Israeli universities, laboratories and scientific research institutions.
The Elad (elastic adhesive bandage), the most effective hemorrhage control emergency method for serious injuries, is an Israeli invention. This lifesaving product is already used by the IDF soldiers and the Magen David Adom, and is being considered for worldwide diffusion by organizations as the Red Cross.
There are many outstanding Arab physicians, however, there is no research institution in the Arab world in which they may develop their knowledge or find the appropriate support or tools to perform discoveries or innovative methods with which they might give their contribution to science. Arab students of medicine learn the discipline transmitted from European, Russian or
American universities or, those who may afford to follow their career abroad, get their degrees in the developed countries to return back to their land and put into practise the knowledge that otherwise they would hardly have achieved.
Light surgery is an advanced method to replace laser surgery which is being experimented in Israel. Focused sunlight is safer, wavelengths are visible and penetrate deeper than invisible laser radiations, being equally effective per unit of energy. Besides these and other advantages, this solar-powered
system is also much cheaper than medical laser.
InSightec, an Israeli company in Tirat Carmel, has patented ExAblate , a system of Magnetic Resonance imaging guided Focused Ultrasound to perform non-invasive surgery inside the
body without the need for incisions.
The researchers of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have been the first scientists in the world in successfully inducing embryonic stem cells to differentiate into the blood vessel producing cells and then to form the vessels themselves.
they have built with blood vessels a heart muscle, being the first time that a three-dimensional cardiac tissue was created from stem cells. This work will make possible the culture of blood vessels to repair damaged organs and may even provide new methods to fight cancer.
Since the most important Arab scholars in science and medicine in modern times have not performed their research in the Arab countries, they will not be considered here, but in the section Jewish & Arab Personalities in Modern Times, which corresponds to the Arabs' contribution
within an international
The researchers of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, applying a similar principle, have found a method to restore tendon and ligament tissue from adult stem cells.
An Israeli research team is working on a genetic card which may contain the complete information about the patient's genome, which will help in choosing the correct treatment and even to develop personalized medical solutions according to the patient's characteristics.
An Israeli company has created a computerized system that allows to avoid human error in medical treatment.
The Weizmann Institute of Science researchers have developed a new diagnostic imaging technique to recognize malignant tumors through scanning instead of performing biopsies.
Given Imaging, company based in Yoqneam, Israel, has patented the PillCam , a camera in a pill that when
high quality pictures of the
gastrointestinal tract, is the only ingestible diagnostic tool that allows the physician a direct visualization of the patient from inside.
Kamada, an Israeli biopharmaceutical company producing life-saving therapeutics, is developing successful trials on new drugs for treatment of Congenital Emphysema and other lung diseases.
Pluristem Life Systems, a bio-therapeutics company based in Haifa, is developing the PLX-I treatment, an alternative to bone marrow transplantation, performed with PLX cells.
Israeli company Argo Medical Technologies Ltd. has already produced the ReWalk exoskeleton, a wearable upright mobility system specially designed for wheelchair users that enables them to stand, walk and climb stairs, restoring dignity, health, inclusion, and self-esteem. The device serves also as physiotherapy.
Israeli company Mazor Robotics is producing SpineAssist, an invention by Israeli Prof. Moshe Shoham and colleagues in Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. SpineAssist allows surgeons to plan and perform any spinal surgery safely, accurately and efficiently, reducing radiation for pre-surgical scanning and optimizing clinical outcomes,
being an integral part of minimally invasive spinal surgery, as opposed to open spinal surgery, in which the surgeon needs a direct field-of-view to spine.
Medical research in Israel is continuously testing and developing new treatments, drugs, therapies, instruments and innovative systems to fight diseases or heal injuries. Great progress is being done against cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, multiple sclerosis, etc. All these discoveries and inventions
are essential for improving human life and are performed
to benefit all mankind, without discrimination of any kind.
Israeli medicine and the welfare policy of the Jewish State has proven to be highly beneficial for the Arab population in Israel. The lowest infant mortality among Arabs, as well as one of the highest birth rates, is that of Arabs living in Israel. In the same way, the
highest life expectancy among Arabs
is found in Israel, 10 years longer than in the most developed Arab countries.
Israel is the only State in the Middle East in which Arab women receive appropriate medical care.
The Israeli health service has achieved the complete eradication in the Palestinian population of poliomyelitis, neonatal-tetanus and measles.

Engineering & Technology


Israel is placed only after the United States by absolute number of startup companies, having the highest rate per capita in the world. After the United States and Canada, Israel has more companies listed in NASDAQ than any other country.
This section of the table is not under construction. It has not been possible to find any technological invention or innovation developed in the present Arab countries. However, it does not mean that they may not exist, and we would be glad to include here any information concerning this possibility.
According to available sources, the Arab world imports technology from industrialized countries, and secretly, also from Israel through third parties as Turkey and other states that play the role of intermediaries among them, Egypt and Jordan, that have agreements with Israel.
"Silicon Wadi", or "Emek HaSilikon", along the coastal plain of Israel, is the highest concentration in the world of high-tech industries after Silicon Valley in California.
Many well-known and widely used technology items have been conceived and developed in Israel:
The cell-phone is an Israeli invention, created at the Motorola-Israel plant.
Microsoft and Cisco have chosen Israel for their research and development facilities outside the United States.
Windows NT/XP operating systems were developed mainly by Microsoft-Israel. The Intel technology labs in Israel have entirely designed Pentium M, originally called "Banias", as all Pentium M code names belong to Israeli places.
Intel Core Duo, code name "Yonah", and Intel Core 2 Duo, "Merom", are achievements of Israeli technology.
The Centrino platform CPU chipset for wireless network, was designed in Israel under the code name "Carmel".
Pentium MMX SIMD, Pentium 4 microprocessor, among other computer technologies, were developed in Israel.
ICQ, the program which is the technological support for AOL Instant Messenger, was created in Israel by Mirabilis, a company that later was bought by AOL.
The USB flash drive was developed by the Israeli company M Systems, that designed the DiskOnChip (no longer produced) and the DiskOnKey, portable virtual hard-disk systems.
Voice mail evolved with Israeli technology. Amdocs-Israel is the main producer in the world.
The first antivirus software was made in Israel.
Check Point, an Israeli software company, is the world leader in Virtual Private Network and firewall technologies.
Other products of advanced technology are developed in Israel: The Israeli company Silent Communications has created TalkinSilent , a special system for cell phones that allows conversations without
speaking, which may enable also deaf people to communicate, among other uses. The Mountain Rose IDF Mobile Communication, or "Vered Harim", made by Motorola-Israel, is the most advanced cell
phone technology. Designed for the Israel Defense Forces, they have highly secure communications on the move, anywhere they operate. The system supports data transfer of messages and images with planned enhancements including video services. Discretix Technologies, an Israeli company that produces embedded security platforms for mobile devices, has patented the CryptoCell security solution for OSE
wireless devices
operating systems. The best systems for monitoring voices and messages through telephone or e-mail existing today are based on Israeli technology.
The Israeli company Wondernet has patented the Penflow Technology for digital handwritten signature leading to the complete replacement of paper and scanning, the company promotes a "paperless office", with paper-free digital transactions, web-based electronic signature flow
and biometric
authentication solutions.
Another Israeli company, Pegasus, has patented a Digital Pen, which transfers into computer, cell phone or any other electronic device what is handwritten on paper. Originally, it was designed as a system to send e-mails for people whose language needs symbols not available in common keyboards.
HumanEyes Technologies, based in Jerusalem, has developed an invention that enables the combination of 3D stereo and panorama. The HumanEyes 3D software uses mathematical algorithms to create unique projections and rebuild multiple viewpoints, being the most advanced technology in 3D
A mathematical algorithm developed in Israel, combined with a polarizing filter, enhances significantly the quality of underwater photography, allowing to clearly see objects that previously appeared blurred or were not seen at all. This technology is of great assistance in scientific research, among many other applications that involve underwater photography.
Intel-Israel is developing electro-optical chipsets which convert electronic signals to optic signals within the chip. They may be produced at the same cost as standard electronic chips, and allow computers to operate about ten times faster. All Intel's technology is now being based on the Israeli design.
The Israeli company Retalix is a leading provider of food retail and distribution software worldwide, which has designed the scanners and other software solutions employed by the most important consumer goods retail and distribution industries.
Israeli company Lenslet has created EnLight, an optical processor that runs at the speed of light, which performs several trillion operations per second, about 1,000 times faster than standard processors, and is equivalent to an entire network of the most powerful computers.
The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology researchers have used the self-assembly of DNA molecules to build electronic devices from carbon nanotubes, which are major future building blocks of molecular electronics due to their small dimensions and excellent electronic properties. With the same principle, they have created nano-computers
that detect cancer and release
drugs to treat the
China’s largest trade exhibition has gone digital, thanks to new technology developed by Israeli company ExpoBee, a device which allows buyers to collect data on products they’re interested in, and gives suppliers real-time stats on performance. Visitors receive a digital badge which they can use to scan any product that interests them. Later they will be able to access information about all the products and keep in touch with suppliers through an online portal.
There are in Israel many more inventions, innovations and ongoing research in communication and computer systems to be added to this list. Israeli technology is the most advanced and sought after worldwide; the United States, Europe, India, Russia, Japan, China, and many other countries resort to Israel for state-of-the-art, cutting edge technology.
Defense & Aerospace Industry


Israel has the fourth most powerful air force in the world in total number of aircrafts -after the United States, Russia and China-, while the Israeli F16 arsenal is the second in the world, being the largest fleet of F16 fighter aircrafts after the United States.
The Arab countries have purchased great amount of weapons and military aircrafts, mainly of Soviet/Russian manufacture, as well as civilian aircrafts and equipment for their commercial airlines, from different countries. There is not any innovation or technological development known to be original from the Arab world.
Israel is one of the three nations taking the first places in the ranking of leading defense manufacturers, with the United States and Russia, and among the five major exporters of defense systems, with emphasis in high technology production. In the last decade, Israel has become India's main supplier of defense and aerospace equipment, overtaking Russia.
Israel is on the way of becoming the first nation to have a national missile defense shield. Israel Aerospace Industries and ELTA Systems have developed
integrated defense system, consisting in:
The Arrow Weapons System interceptor has been successfully tested in Israel and the United States against ballistic missile attacks. Arrow has been designed in Israel for an effective, powerful and modular defense system, that detects, intercepts and destroys incoming TBMs and provides a large defended footprint, allowing the protection of important strategic assets, as well as civilian population centres.
The Green Pine Radar System, designed to autonomously detect and simultaneously track dozens of TBMs from long ranges, under all weather conditions and in the presence of undesired echoes.
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems is producing the most advanced air-to-air missile existing today. The missile provides the pilot engaging an enemy aircraft with a revolutionary full sphere launch capability, so that he can destroy also aircrafts on his tail without needing to turn his jet
around. The missile also updates its target position after having been launched.
IAI and Elta have developed the most advanced AEW&C system in the world, the Phalcon, a radar equipment for surveillance that allows civilian aircrafts to be protected from missile attacks.
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and ELTA Systems have developed “Iron Dome” -Kippat Barzel-, the most effective missile shield existing in the world. Designed for intercepting and destroying short-range rockets and artillery shells, it detects them as soon as they are launched, tracks their trajectory and the target, and in case of being a threat to populated areas or anyway dangerous, Tamir interceptor missiles are launched. Iron Dome is able to neutralize multiple simultaneous attacks, under any weather conditions. It is the missile shield most used in actual conflict situations and is saving millions of human lives.
Israel is one among the few countries in the world having satellites in the space. The Amos fixed Ku beams cover stations in Europe, the Middle East and North-America. The Ofeq advanced imaging and the Eros series are Israeli satellites taking very high resolution images around the Earth. The TecSAR ranks
among the world's most
advanced space systems, considered a technological breakthrough as it
provides images during day, night and all weather conditions, including under cloud
cover. TecSAR satellites have also been purchased by the U.S. Government.
The high quality pictures of Mars transmitted by the explorer Spirit were made by an image-compression algorithm developed by Technion-Israel researchers. The Israeli Space Agency is carrying on an innovative project, a space vehicle which would be completely independent while navigating on Mars, unlike the current NASA
robots, that are operated by remote control from Earth.
The Israeli company Elbit Systems has designed the All Weather Window Enhanced Vision System, that improves aircrafts landing capability in fog, rain, snow, and other reduced visibility conditions.
Elbit Systems builds also top quality Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The Hermes series of UAVs for MALE and high end tactical UAV missions, along with the Skylark UAV series for close range tactical missions, provide a comprehensive range of integral solutions for diverse operational needs.
IAI produces the most advanced UAV in the world, the Heron or "Mahatz", that can fly up to 30 hours without refueling and is operated remotely. The UAV can identify the launch sites of missiles as well as deliver air-to-surface missiles itself, eliminating targets
as far away as Iran.
RADA Electronic Industries is developing the Skyguard High Energy Laser Defensive System, a missile interception defense that may cover a large civilian population,
industrial areas or a large military installation and deployed forces.
Israel has created the world's first self-flying helicopter, the Steadicopter. It has a completely autonomous operational system so that piloting skills or experience are not required and may be used by anyone.
Israeli company IDO Security has patented
Mag Shoe, a new and unique metal detector for shoes suited for many
applications including airports, railroad stations, stadiums and any other high
security portals. The scanner detects threats reliably without the need to remove
shoes. .
Israel's defense and aerospace industry is ranked among the most advanced in the world, and the best developed concerning security and technology. Indeed, the great world powers are Israel's customers:
India -traditionally supplied by the USSR/Russia- has turned to Israel for high technology defense systems. Among India's purchases from Israel, there are: the Spyder system, made by Rafael, against aerial attacks; Heron UAVs; Phalcon and Green Pine radar and communication systems; night vision devices and thermal imaging equipment; advanced avionics systems for upgrading India's MIG21 and MIG27
aircrafts; many other high technology equipments, besides the project of a stategic alliance which includes the installation of the Israeli Arrow system in India.
South Korea has purchased the integrated Arrow and Green Pine systems.
Turkey has bought Heron UAVs from Israel to be used by Turkey's armed forces.
Also the world super-powers, the United States, Russia and Europe, are among the main customers of Israeli defense technology and security devices.
International Solidarity


Israel is on the front line whenever humanitarian aid is required, anywhere in the world, and regardless the country's political approach. This fact is taken for granted in such a way that iniquitous regimes as the one ruling over Iran declared that they would not accept Israeli help after the earthquake destroyed the city of
Bam, being certain that Israel would
have offerred the best quality of humanitarian aid to the victims.
Most of the international Arab humanitarian organizations are based in the West and not in the Arab countries, otherwise, they work only at a national level or at most within the Arab World, but rarely outside. As a general feature, those operating in an international context are characterized by being directed only to Arab or muslim people, not to everybody,
and their main goal, either open or hidden, is promoting the islamic religion besides humanitarian aid, as shown by the following examples.
IsraAID is a coordinating body of Israeli and Jewish non governmental organizations and other interested parties based in Israel that are active in development and
relief work and are concerned about global issues. IsraAID members provide humanitarian aid worldwide to people in need, regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender, age and disabilities.
Mashav, the Israeli Foreign Ministry's Center for International Cooperation, carries on many projects for helping other countries' development. Mashav has been present with emergency units, medical equipment, housing assistance, food, etc. in many national disasters happened
as the earthquakes in Armenia, Georgia and Turkey, volcano eruption in Congo, devastating storms in the Pacific Ocean, floods in Czech Republic, natural disasters and accidents in South America, etc.
International Arab Charity -based in London- is actually an organization for Arabs in the West, and aiming at promoting sympathetic feelings towards Arabs from other peoples, as they claim in their own website:
Holding events and functions that promote Arab culture.
Holding lectures and talks relating to Arab issues as part of the educational program.
Supporting the school dedicated to teaching Arabic language to children.
To promote Arab films in London, it is more important than ever for Westerners to gain a sympathetic insight into the Arab mind.
It seems a cultural association rather than a charitable one, yet, some of their activities do qualify as humanitarian, although they are directed only to Arab people:
Working to help Palestinian amputees in the camps in Lebanon. There is a dire need for centralised clinics designed purposely to help them.
Discussion with organizations capable of effectively administering funds in Iraq as soon as the situation stabilizes. Projects include mental health rehabilitation to help those with physical and psychological trauma.
Save A Child's
Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from Third World and developing countries. All children, regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Save A Child's Heart has a full outreach program to train medical personnel in other countries, enabling
them to provide needed treatment in their own environment.
The program brings doctors and nurses to the Save A Child's Heart center in Israel
for in-depth post-graduate training in all facets of pediatric cardiology. Until medical centres are opened in those countries, children
with congenital heart problems are brought to Israel for surgery and other heart related care.
Latet is an Israeli humanitarian aid organization with the aim of providing assistance to needy populations around the world, based on a universal and egalitarian platform and by mobilizing the civilian society in Israel toward involvement in the humanitarian effort. The Organization
aims at increasing social awareness and values of mutual responsibility and giving. Latet is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization that is funded on donations alone.
The Shalom Club is present in many countries for humanitarian aid in poor areas, with many kinds of activities: reconstruction of damaged buildings of social interest (schools, hospitals, etc.), organizing medical camps, courses, training, etc. in depressed areas, providing food and clothing, etc.
International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO), based in Kuwait, in the same way, is directed to muslims and aims at promoting the islamic religion, as they declare in their website as their objectives:
Helping charitable institutions in the Asian Continent in order to guarantee care and welfare for the poor, orphans and the needy.
Providing humanitarian aid, educational, and social services projects.
Conducting research and detailed studies of the geographic, social, and cultural conditions of muslims in Asia.
Cooperating and coordinating with other organizations having similar interests as the IICO.
Increasing the public awareness of problems that muslim peoples in Asia are facing.
Building new mosques and renovating the old ones.
Building schools that give due attention to spiritual education.
Spreading islamic awareness by cultural activities on the radio and television as well as in the press and other publications, with the help of the religious authorities.
Teaching of the qur'an.
Translation of Arabic movies and islamic books into the local languages or into Russian.
Sponsoring groups to study in islamic universities in Egypt.
Reinforcing the relationships through visits, youth camps, conferences and seminars.
Drilling water wells.
Carrying out humanitarian aid projects such as building wooden houses for the Kirghiz people in case of earthquakes.
Relief programs to help the Azerbaidjani refugees.
It is evident that activities such as building mosques, teaching the qur'an or spreading religious beliefs, which are over-emphasized, cannot be considered humanitarian aid. The aims of this organization are an example of how much concerned they are with the religious matter instead of true, unconditional charity for any person in need of assistance.
After the great tsunami in the Indian Ocean devastated several countries of Southern Asia by the end of 2004, Israel was among the first Nations that helped:
Although a situation in which muslims would aid Israel if hypothetically struck by natural disaster is an absolute impossibility, the reverse is a verified fact. Indonesia, the world's most populous muslim country, which has no diplomatic relations with Israel, received:
On 12th January, 75 tons of equipment, including the following:
16 tons of baby food donated by the Remedia and Materna companies.
30 tons of rice, flour, water, sugar and grains donated by the Koach Latet organization as well as the Sugat and Osem companies.
5 tons of plastic sheeting donated by Hovav Plastica and Haogenplast.
20 tons of medicine produced by Teva Pharmaceuticals, donated through the Latet organization.
A water purification system valued at $20,000 produced by the Netafim manufacturer, donated by Shari Arison Glazer and the Shira Hadasha Congregation, in Jerusalem. The manufacturer Netafim also donated a second system.
A contribution of $300,000 of the Sacta-Rashi Foundation. Mark Solomon and the Friends of Yemin Orde Wingate Youth Village covered the cost of the flight.
The above contribution together with that of Koach Latet, also provided ten communications networks produced by Gilat Satellite Networks, which provided two additional networks.
El Al provided the plane at minimal cost, and the Defense Ministry and Maman provided quick, efficient and free service at the airport.
In the same circumstances, the Indian Ocean tsunami, Thailand and Ceylon received from Israel: Thailand:
3,300 body bags, 500 gas masks and special protective suits for the disaster areas provided by the Zaka Rescue and Identification team. A medical delegation of doctors and nurses.
Assistance in the identification of bodies - A delegation the Zaka Rescue and Identification unit was dispatched to Thailand, four days after the tsunami disaster hit the country.
The Remedia Company donated 3 tons of baby food, which arrived on January 6th.
2 tons of blankets and clothes arrived on January 9th.
5 tons of medicines donated by Teva Pharmaceuticals were dispatched courtesy of the El Al airline, and arrived on January 10th. Medicine valued at $600,000 was donated on behalf of the State of Israel. The medicine arrived on January 10th.
Sri Lanka:
A consignment of medical equipment valued at $60,000.
An emergency delegation of medical personnel.
On the initiative of the IDF and the Foreign Ministry, a plane carrying 82 tons of food, medical equipment and other humanitarian assistance was dispatched.
Following a request from the Ceylon Government regarding the provision of psychological support, a delegation composed of five doctors and social workers set out for Colombo, Sri Lanka, on January 9th, for providing guidance to professionals working with the population in the disaster areas.
A plane carrying 10 tons of emergency equipment arrived in Sri Lanka on January 10th, that included equipment for emergency food kitchens as well as food supplies. The kitchens are able to provide 4000 hot meals a day. It was a donation given by the United Kibbutz Movement.
Magen David Adom donated a mobile clinic.
Magen David Adom arranged to send medical relief to the tsunami victims, sending a delegation of medical personnel.
The United Kibbutz Movement dispatched a delegation to oversee a feeding station. The team provided also logistical and humanitarian assistance.
An umbrella organization called Israel Campaign for South East Asia Disaster Relief, has been established to oversee the assistance to the tsunami victims which includes 45 organizations. It established donation points throughout Israel, and has collected hundreds of tons of food and humanitarian supplies.
Coptic Orphans -based in the USA- is an international organization of assistance to disadvantaged children in Egypt through volunteer networks: especially orphans, girls, and children with disabilities. As the name indicates, it is a Christian organization. Some of their
activities are:
To enable orphan children to break the cycle of poverty through the Not Alone program.
To encourage self-esteem in girls at risk of dropping out of school, through interactive programs and personal mentoring.
Building cultural bridges between Egypt and the West through summer service trips.
Supporting education, health, and practical training of disabled, orphaned and other disadvantaged children through partnership projects.
Israel has engaged also humanitarian projects for Arab countries. One of the most favored states is Jordan:
In 2000, Israel built and fully equipped a state-of-the art Intensive Care Unit in the Red Crescent Hospital in Amman, which serves the poorest population of the capital. The project included full training of all ICU staff.
Mashav operates a farm in the Karak region for intensive sheeps milk production and processing, introducing the advanced Awassi sheep to the country which provide approximately four times the milk yields of indigenous sheep. The project includes hundreds of sheep, a milking parlor and cutting-edge dairy for the production of yoghurts and cheeses. In addition, the project's sheep have been used to upgrade local flocks through breeding activities.
Mashav has a beekeeping demonstration and research project in Irbid, Jordan. Israel sponsors an ongoing program of cross border cooperation, training and transfer of agricultural technology between Kibbutz Yotvata and farmers in the regions of Rahma and Umm-Mutlak.
Mashav trains many Jordanians annually in courses held in Israel in fields ranging from management of small enterprises to sustainable eco-friendly agricultural methods.
Another Arab League member country receiving humanitarian aid from Israel is Mauritania. The Cancer Treatment Center in Nouakchott was entirely built by Israel, including donation of the facility and all necessary medical technology as well as extensive training for staff members.
A terrible massacre that is purposely neglected by the UNO and the international media is the genocide in Darfur. Hundreds of victims have found in Israel the safe haven for them. Sudanese refugees crossed
the desert through Egypt, their fellow Arab country, in which they were mistreated and risked to be killed, until they reached Israel. They received accommodation in Eilat and were given work and schooling for their children in the city. Many of them would be even granted Israeli citizenship, as they have remained without official nationality. No Arab charity organization has done anything for the Darfur victims.
During 2003/2004, about 200,000 Sudanese refugees fleeing the state-led terror campaign in Darfur sought shelter in Chad. In order to help these refugees, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and IsraAID with B'nai B'rith and Ve'ahavta, launched the Initiative for Sudanese Refugees in Chad. Their extensive program is developed in two community centres, providing psychological assistance, enabling the refugees to overcome the situation, training some community members to become humanitarian aid leaders among their own people, establishing activities for children, etc. A particular issue that HIAS is committed with
is the abolition of clitoral excision. Through appropriate education, this practise is declining within the camps and hundreds of girls are being saved from this ordeal.
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) is the oldest organization in the word assisting refugees and immigrants, founded in New York in 1881. There are main offices in Tel Aviv, Moscow, Buenos Aires, Rome and Geneva. Among the thousads of people helped by HIAS, many of them have become famous personalities in many
fields: writers, artists, politicians, etc. See a list of them here.
In May 2008, the cyclone Nargis devastated Myanmar. Even though the dictatorship has restricted the access to humanitarian organizations, IsraAID and Latet
were there with their workers, giving as much assistance as it was possible and demanding from the local authorities to allow them to reach the population.
In January 2010, a fierce earthquake in Haiti has almost completely destroyed the capital city and surrounding area. The IDF settled in Port-au-Prince the most effective field hospital, the only one equipped with all that is required for complex surgical operations. Doctors from various missions send the patients needing difficult surgery to Israel's makeshift hospital. Israel established also a complete communication network through the Amos satellites, including phone line and wireless Internet access. This system allows video conference during operations to give field surgeons the ability to consult with experts in Israel, so that they can even watch the surgeries in Israel as they occur in Haiti.
In March 2011, Japan suffered the worst earthquake in its history, followed by a tsunami, which caused thousands of victims and heavily damaged the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, resulting in Japan's worst nuclear accident. The field hospital established by Israel was the first to be set up by any nation offering assistance. Israel sent IDF Medical Corps personnel, logistics teams, experts in the field of population management, Japanese translators, experts from the Committee of Atomic Energy, doctors specializing in different fields, nurses and paramedics, and several tons of medical equipment.
The international mass media are quite concerned with Israel, however, they seldom report the remarkable Israeli humanitarian effort in every emergency situation, anywhere in the world. They seem to be interested only in blaming Israel for exerting the legitimate right of self-defense and protection of the own citizens against
terrorism. The vocation of tikkun olam (restoring the world) is considered a mission for Israel, it is part of the Jewish nature and education.
Part II: The Jewish People and the Arabs

All human beings are equal. There is no superior people.
The difference is between education and superstition, between reason and fanaticism,
between freedom and slavery...