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Israel and the Arab World
Their Contribution to Mankind
Jewish & Arab Personalities in History Jewish and Arab Personalities in History In this chapter we consider Jews and Arabs in contemporary periods,
that is, since the historic point in which both peoples, and not only one of them, are recognized in the worldwide scene. This means that we will not take account of the two and half millennia
in which the People of Israel was playing a role in the international stage while Arabs were either completely
unknown or, in
a later period, remotely known mainly through the accounts of travellers who visited Arabia. It was only around the first century
BCE that the name “Arabia” appeared the first time in history,
defined by Diodorus of Sicily in his Bibliotheca Historica and by Strabo in his Geography, and was applied to the peninsula as a geographic definition, not in
reference to the
ethnicity of the inhabitants, whom
they declared to be of several kinds and
called them by their own
tribal names. On the contrary, the Israelites were known since ancient times, as recorded by Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian chronicles,
and the more specific term Judahite, Judean or Jewish is found in Persian, Greek and Roman accounts – it was precisely against the Roman Empire that Jews engaged three wars for
independence which brought as result the destruction of the Jewish capital Jerusalem, and the Diaspora, that led most of Jews to be spread throughout the Mediterranean Basin and all Europe. Arabic was
formed as a language during the later Roman period, however, it was only by the end of the 7th
Century CE
that Arabs became known in world history; and it is since this period that our research begins, in
order to present our comparison charts according to equal terms, as it would not be fair to consider the Jewish personalities during the many centuries in which Arabs did not exist as a people. When Arabs appeared in the world history, it was the period of Europe's Dark Ages:
All science and arts were conditioned by religious-superstitious conceptions, much like the present-day Arab world. By that time, Jews in Europe were banished from any social activity,
and were confined to their own closed circles, studying in the Synagogues, since schools were then exclusively
to the Roman Catholic nobility and clergy. That is why during the Middle Ages there are not many known Jewish scientists or other personalities, because they were not allowed to participate in public life.
By an irony of history, in those times Jews enjoyed much more freedom within the growing Arab world, and also most of Jewish scholars and scientists of that era belonged to the lands occupied by the Arabs. Mathematics and Medicine are two
disciplines whose present development is commonly regarded as a legacy from the Arabs. For instance, the numbering system used worldwide, consisting in the ten characters (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) that represent
numbers in all European languages and by extension
conventional international numbering system, are usually known as “Arabic numerals”. The reason for such denomination is
given by the fact that they were introduced in Europe by the Arabs. Notwithstanding, they are not Arabic in origin, but have been taken by Arabs from the Indians. It was in India where numbers from which the present-day European ones
evolved were used since old, at least contemporary to Roman times.
Only in the 9th century CE
they became known in the Middle East, and brought
into Europe in the 10th century
CE. As a matter of fact, the so-called Arabic numerals are not used with Arabic writing except in North Africa,
and those which belong to Classic Arabic and Persian script systems are
called "Hindi numerals" by the Arabs themselves. Therefore, it is more accurate to call our current number system "Indian numerals" instead of Arabic. Arab Personalities B/D
Place / Year Name Origin Profession / Work
Kindah, Yemen,
Imru’ul-Qays ibn-Hudjr al-Kindī Himyarite Arab
writer, poet, diplomat
Al-Nabigha ad-Dhubyani, Christian Arab
poet, writer
Ghiyath ibn-Ghawth at-Taghlibi al-Akhtal Christian Arab
poet, writer
8th century CE
Abū Abdallāh ibn-Ibrāhīm ibn-Habīb Persian or Arab
philosopher, translator, mathematician, astronomer / astrolabe
8th century CE Yaqūb ibn-Tāriq Persian
translated the astronomy Brahmasphutasiddhanta into Arabic as Az-Zij 'ala Sini al-'Arab, or Sindhind ca. 721-815 Abū Mūsā Jābir ibn-Hayyān (Geber) Persian or Arab
chemist/alchemist, astronomer, engineer, philosopher, pharmacist, physician, physicist
Khwarizm, 780-850 Mūsā al-Khwārizmī Persian mathematician, astronomer, geographer
789 - Córdoba, Spain,
857 Ziryab
Abū l-Hassan 'Alī ben-Nāfi' Persian
poet, musician
Abū-Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn-Ishāq
ibn-as-Sabbāh ibn-'Omrān ibn-Isma'īl al-Kindī
philosopher, scientist, perfumist, mathematician, astronomer, meteorologist, chemist, physician, poet, music theory expert and innovator
/ Kitab Kimiya' al-'Itr Baghdad,
three brothers, specialized in physics, engineering,
Ronda, Spain, 810-887 'Abbās Qāsim ibn-Firnās (Armen Firman) Berber
poet, musician, chemist, physician, inventor
Harran, 836 - Baghdad,
901 As-Sābi’ Thābit ibn-Qurra al-Harrānī
mathematician, astronomer,
Harran, 858 -
Abū Abdallāh ibn-Jābir ibn-Sinān ar-Raqqī al-Harrānī as-Sābi’ al-Battānī (Albategnius)
Syrian mathematician, astronomer Rayy, Persia, 865-925
Zakariā ye Rāzi Persian
philosopher, chemist/alchemist, physician, author of Hawi, medical encyclopaedia
Baghdad, 896 -
'Alī ibn-al-Husayn ibn-'Alī al-Mas'ūdī
traveller, historian, geographer
Qayrawan, (present
Tunisia), 898 -980
Abū Ja'far Ahmad bin-Abi Khalid ibn-al-Jazzar al-Qayrawāni
Arab (Moorish)
'Abd ar-Rahman as-Sufi (Azophi)
astronomer, translator of the Greek astronomy into Arabic
Ahmad ibn-Ibrāhīm al-Uqlidisi
Arab (Syrian)
mathematician Medina Azahara,
Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn-al-'Abbās Ansar Arab
chemist, physician, surgeon, author of Kitab at-Tasrif, encyclopedia of medicine
Buzghan, 940-998
Abū al-Wafā'
mathematician, astronomer
Baghdad, 940-1000
Abū Sa'ad al-'Ala' ibn-Sahl Arab
physicist, mathematician, optics engineer
Sijistan, 945-1020
Abū Sa'id Ahmad ibn-Abd-al-Jalil as-Sijistani
Persian astronomer, mathematician
Jerusalem, 945-ca.1000
Ibn-Ahmad Shams ad-Din Al-Muqaddasi
Arab (Syrian)
Egypt, 950-ca.1009
'Alnī abi-Sa'id 'Abd-ar-Rahman ibn-Ahmad ibn-Yunus as-Sadafi al-Misri
astronomer, mathematician Basrah, 965-1039
Abū 'Alnī al-Hassan ibn-al-Hassan Arab or Persian
astronomer, mathematician, physician, ophthalmologist - visual perception, scientific method
Bukhara, 980-1037
Abū 'Alī al-Husayn ibn-'Abdallāh ibn-Sīnā (Avicenna)
poet, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, chemist, physician, physicist, statesman
Toledo, Spain,
Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm ibn-Yahyā an-Naqqāsh
Arab (Moorish)
astronomer,scientist, philosopher, musician, poet
Abū Fadl
ben-Tahīr ibn-'Alnī ibn-Ahmad al-Maqdisi ash-Shaybani ibn-al-Kaysarani
Zaragoza, Spain,
Abū-Bakr ibn-Yahyā ibn-as-Sā'igh ibn-Tujībī ibn-Bājjah (Avempace)
Arab (Moorish)
mathematician, astronomer
Sevilla, Spain,
Abū Merwān 'Abd-al-Malik ibn-Zuhr (Avenzoar, Abumeron)
Arab (Moorish)
physicist, pharmacist
Sevilla, Spain,
ibn-Aflah (Geber)
Arab (Moorish)
mathematician, astronomer
Ceuta, Spain,
1100 -
Abū 'Abdallah al-Idrīsī
al-Qurtubi a-Hassani as-Sabti
Arab (Moorish)
traveller, geographer
Guadix, Spain,
Abū-Bakr ibn-'Abd-al-Malik
ibn-Tufayl al-Qaysi al-Andalusi (Abentofail)
Arab (Moorish)
physician, philosopher, writer
Córdoba, Spain, 1126 - Marrakesh, 1198
Abū'l-Walīd ibn-Ahmad ibn-Rushd (Averroes)
Arab (Moorish)
philosopher inspired in Aristotle,
physician - much of his work has been censored by the Arab leadership and was kept in the Hebrew translation
Al-Jazirah (Upper
Abū al-'Iz ibn-Ismā'īl
ibn-ar-Razāz al-Jazarī
Arab (Syrian)
engineer, artist, inventor, astronomer
Morocco, ? -
Nūr ad-Din ibn-Ishāq al-Bitruji (Alpetragius)
Arab (Moorish)
philosopher, astronomer
Málaga, ? - 1204
'Abdallah ibn-Ahmad ibn-al-Baytar Dhiyya ad-Din al-Malaqi
Arab (Moorish)
physician, pharmacist, scientist, botanist
Damascus, 1136-1206
Ala ad-Din Abū'l-Hassan 'Alnī ibn-Abi-Hazm al-Qarshi ad-Dimashqi
Arab (Syrian)
scientist, astronomer, physician, ophtalmologist, philosopher, writer, historian,
Marrakesh, 1256 -
al-Marrakushi al-Azdi
Arab (Moorish)
astronomer, mathematician
Damascus, 1304-1375
Ala ad-Din Abū'l-Hassan 'Alnī ibn-Ibrāhīm
Arab (Syrian)
mathematician, astronomer, engineer
Tunisi, 1332 -
Abū Zayd 'Abdu-ar-Rahman ibn-Khaldūn Al-Hadrami (Ibn Khaldun)
Arab (Yemeni-Andalusi)
historian, statesman, lawyer, philosopher, sociologist, doctor, astronomer,
Baza, Spain, 1412 -
Ala Abū al-Hassan ibn-'Alī al-Qalasādī
Arab (Moorish)
Damascus, 1526-1585
Taqi ad-Din ibn-Ma'ruf al-Shami al-Asadi (Takiyuddin)
Arab? Syrian? Turk?
scientist, astronomer, mathematician, engineer, inventor, botanist, zoologist,
physician, pharmacist, philosopher
Part II: The Jewish People and the Arabs
Considered within an International context,
Jews outside present-day Israel, Arabs in the Worldwide scene
Jewish & Arab Personalities in Modern Times
Jewish & Arab Achievements
Nobel Prizes
On the other side, Arabs conquered many countries in few decades, and acquired the cultural heritage of the peoples they surrendered, mainly from Persians, as well as they learnt from Indian literature and science
and were interested in translations into Arabic from ancient Greek treatises – while the Classic Greek culture, the seed of European civilization, was banned in Europe because it was heathen, the same reason by which progress
banned today in the Arab world.
Nevertheless, the outstanding Arab writers, mathematicians, astronomers and scientists did not come out of Arabia, but mainly from the conquered Mesopotamia, Syria, Persia, Egypt, and most of all,
from Spain, that became the cultural centre of the whole Arab world in the Middle Ages. In fact, it is important to distinguish between “Arabic” and “Arab”, since the large majority of those personalities were actually
not Arabs, but wrote their studies and research works in Arabic language and by this reason they are usually considered as Arabs. In the particular case of Spain, most of Arabs were indeed Moors, namely,
Amazigh peoples -North African- that were Arabicized.
Concerning medicine, it was the result of a process
that began with Greek physicians who were taken as prisoners of the Achaemenid Persians. It is the Greek method of observation of symptoms, treatment and results on which modern medicine is based. Then, Alexander the Great
conquered the Persian Empire and the Greek knowledge was taught throughout the Middle East up to India. Centuries later, the most significant contribution of Greek medicine in the region was produced by the Nestorian Christians from Edessa,
whose university was closed by order of the Byzantine
emperor and they took refuge in the Persian Sassanid Empire. Later, the Empire was conquered by the Arabs, thus inheriting the scientific knowledge already developed in that realm, from Greek, Indian and Persian heritage.
Actually, many of the most famous Arab scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, astronomers and physicians of the Middle Ages were not Arabs, as shown in the first list below. They wrote in Arabic because it was the language of the empire,
in the same way as today every important scientific study is written in English because it is the international language, even if the authors are not British, American, or native English speakers.
A significant fact is that, except Imru’ul-Qays al-Kindī, who was a pre-islamic poet, not even one of the Arab personalities
that contributed to the cultural richess of mankind was from Arabia, but all of them from the conquered lands. However, we can find some names of Arabian Jews in the second list.
(Including non-Arabs born in Arab-ruled lands)
Ziyad ibn-Muawiyah
Jafar ibn-Mūsā ibn-Shākir
Banū Mūsā
Ahmad ibn-Mūsā ibn-Shākir
ibn-Mūsā ibn-Shākir
Qasr al-Jiss, 929
ibn-Zakariyya ar-Razi (Rhazes)
10th century CE
Spain, 936-1013
Az-Zahrāwī (Abulcasis)
ibn-al-Haytham al-Basrī (Alhazen)
az-Zarqālī (Arzachel)
1085 -
Fez, Morocco, 1138
Sicily, 1165
Sevilla, Spain, 1204
Cairo, 1406
Béja, Tunisia, 1486
Strictly speaking, very few of the great scientists and personalities of the Arab Golden Age were actually Arabs, as the table above shows. Indeed, we cannot list some great names like Abū Rayhān ibn-Ahmad al-Bīrūnī (Kath, Khwarezm, 973 – Ghazni, 1048) or Omar Khayyam (Ghiyāth ad-Dīn Abū'l-Fath 'Umar ibn-Ibrāhīm al-Nīsābūrī al-Khayyāmī – Nishapur, Khorassan, 1048-1131), since they were Persian and were not linked with the Arab world, but with Central Asia. We cannot include either 'Abū Zayd Hunayn ibn-Ishāq al-'Ibādī; known in the West as Johannitius (Al-Hira, Mesopotamia, 809-873), because he was not Arab but Assyrian. While in the Middle East the cultural domain was overwhelmingly Persian, the major development of the Arab culture took place in Spain, the westernmost land of the empire and, by coincidence, also the main Jewish settlement of that period.
After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, the centre of Jewish culture is displaced towards other European lands. The Arab world collapsed under Turkish rulers and also the Arab scientific development ceased. Since beginning the 17th century CE, the number of Jewish personalities in science, arts and every kind of disciplines is in constant increasement in Europe and subsequently in the American Continent.
Jewish Personalities from the 16th to the 19th century:
Pedro Nunes
(Alcácer do Sal, Portugal, 1502 – Coimbra, Portugal, 11/8/1578) |
Solomon ben-Jacob Almoli
(Constantinople, 16 |
David ben-Shlomo Gans
(Lippstadt, Germany, 1541 – Praha, Czech, 25/8/1613) |
Jacob Uziel (Spain, Italy ? – Zakynthos, Greece, 1630) |
Rodríguez da Silva y Velázquez (Sevilla, Spain, 6/6/1599 – Madrid, Spain, 6/8/1660) |
Antonio Enríquez Gómez (Segovia, Spain, 1601 – France, 1661) |
Isaac Fernando Cardoso (Celorico, Portugal, 1603 – Verona, Italy, 1683) |
David Cohen Nassy (Portugal, 1612 – Suriname, 1685) |
Rabbi Shalom Shabbazi, Abba Shalom ben-Yosef ben-Abijad ben-Khalfun Shabbazi (Sharab, Yemen, 1619 – 1720) |
Daniel Ha-Levi, known as Miguel Barrios (Montilla, Spain, 1625 – Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1701) |
Toviyyah ben Moshe ha-Kohen, known as Tobiasz Kohn,
Toviyah Kats (Metz, France,
1652 – Jerusalem, Israel, 1729) |
Jacob Antonio Castello (Amsterdam, Netherlands,
? – 1685 ?) |
Jacob de Castro Sarmento, Jacob Henriquez (Bragança, Portugal, 1691 – London, England, 1761) |
Jacob Rodrigues Pereira,
FRS, (Peniche, Portugal,
11/4/1715 – Bordeaux, France, 15/9/1780) |
Hannah Adams
(1755 – 1831 ) |
Moses Mendelssohn
(Dessau, Prussia, 6/8/1729 – Berlin, Prussia, 4/1/1786) |
Élie Halfon-Halévy (Fürth, Bavaria,
1760 – Paris, France, 5/11/1826) |
Sara Itzig Levy (Prussia,
1761 – 1854) |
Rahel Varnhagen von Ense, born Rahel Levin (Berlin, Prussia, 19/5/1771 – Berlin, Prussia, 7/3/1833) |
Nathaniel Wallich, or Nathan ben-Wulff
(Copenhagen, Denmark, 28/1/1786 – London, England, 28/4/1854) |
Giacomo Meyerbeer, born Jacob Liebmann Beer
(Vogelsdorf, Prussia, 5/9/1791 – Paris, France, 2/5/1864) |
Ignaz Moscheles, born Isaak Moscheles
(Praha, Bohemia, 23/5/1794 – Leipzig, Prussia, 10/3/1870) |
Zachariah Allen
(Providence, Rhode Island, 15/9/1795 – 17/3/1882) |
Wilhelm Wolff Beer
(Berlin, Prussia, 14/1/1797 – Berlin, Prussia, 27/3/1850)
Christian Johann Heinrich Heine
(Düsseldorf, Germany, 13/12/1797 – Paris, France, 17/2/1856)
D'Israeli or Disraeli, FRS, Earl of Beaconsfield (London, England,
21/12/1804 – 19/4/1881) |
Hayyim Selig Slonimski
(Byelostok, Russian Empire -now Bialystok, Poland-, 31/3/1810 – Warsaw, Poland, 15/5/1904) |
Georg Friedrich Heinrich Hitzig
(Berlin, Prussia, 8/11/1811 – Berlin, Prussia, 11/10/1881) |
J. J. Benjamin
(Fălticeni, Romania, 1818 – London, England, 3/5/1864) |
Daniil Avraamovich Khvolson -or Chwolson-
(Vilna, Russian Empire -now Lithuania-, 1819 – 1911) |
Leopold Eidlitz
(Praha, Kingdom of Bohemia, 23/3/1823 – New York City, 1908) |
Leopold Kronecker
(Liegnitz, Prussia 1818 -now Legnica, Poland-, 7/12/1823 – 29/12/1891) |
Chaim Aronson
(Serednik, Russian Empire -now Seredžius, Lithuania-, 30/7/1825 –
22/4/1893) |
Joseph Halévy
(Adrianople, Ottoman Empire, 15/12/1827 – 1917) |
Ferdinand Julius Cohn
(Breslau, Prussia -now Wroclaw, Poland-, 24/1/1828 – 25/6/1898) |
Meyer Guggenheim
(Lengnau, Aargau, Switzerland, 1/2/1828 – Palm Springs, California, 15/3/1905) |
Levi Strauss, or Löb Strauß
(Bayern, Germany, 26/2/1829 – California, 26/9/1902) |
Jacob David Youphes,
then Jacob W. Davis
(Latvia, Russian Empire, 1831 – California, 1908) |
Felix Philip Kanitz
(Budapest, Austro-Hungarian Empire, 2/8/1829 – Vienna, 8/1/1904) |
Siegfried Samuel Marcus
(Malchin, Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 18/9/1831 – Vienna,
Austro-Hungary, 1/7/1898) |
Georges Montefiore-Levi
(England, 1832 – Belgium, 1906) |
Julius von Sachs
(Breslau, Prussia -now Wroclaw, Poland-, 2/10/1832 – 29/5/1897) |
Jorge Isaacs, Jorge Enrique Isaacs Ferrer
(Cali, Colombia, 1/4/1837 – Ibagué, Colombia, 17/4/1895) |
Ephraim Shay (Sherman
Township, Huron County, Ohio, 17/9/1839 – Harbor Springs, Michigan,
19/4/1916) |
Isaak Eduard Schnitzer,
known as Mehmet Emin Pasha (Oppeln, Germany, -now Opole, Poland-, 28/3/1840 –
23/10/1892) |
Jonah Hayyim Gurland
(Kletsk, Russian Empire, 1843 – Odessa, Russian Empire, 19/3/1890) |
Viktor Meyer (Berlin,
Prussia, 8/9/1848 – Heidelberg, Germany, 18/8/1897) |
Yitzhaq Yehuda [Ignác] Goldziher (Székesfehérvár, Hungary,
22/6/1850 – 13/11/1921) |
Morris Michtom |
Jewish and Arab Personalities in Modern Times
If during the Middle Ages we can find an equal cultural development among Jews and Arabs,
after the 16th century CE, with the
fall of the Arab hegemony under the Turks, also the Arab scientific development faded away. It was not until the Arab countries were established in the
20th century, by the British and French authorities that took the control over the defeated
Ottoman Empire, that some Arab personalities have emerged in sciences and arts.
Arab Personalities
Since the creation of the independent Arab countries, little scientific progress has been achieved. Most of the outstanding personalities of the Arab world had studied and developed their professional career in the Americas, Europe or Israel, or else they were born there. Many of them are Lebanese Christians, who do not consider themselves as Arabs, but Arabic-speaking descendants of the ancient peoples of Lebanon that dwelled in the country millennia before the Arab conquest and subsequent occupation. Although some of them are mentioned, we cannot include in this list the greatest modern writer of the Arab world, Gibrān Khalīl Gibrān bin-Mikhā'īl bin-Sa'ad (Bsharri, Lebanon, 6/1/1883 – New York City, 10/4/1931) because he was a Maronite Christian of Assyrian origin, and Assyrians are not Arabs at all.
May Ziadeh, born Marie Ziyadah
(Nazareth, Israel, 11/2/1886 – Cairo, Egypt, 17/10/1941) |
Hassan Fathy
(Alexandria, Egypt, 23/3/1900 – Cairo, Egypt, 30/11/1989) |
Michael Ellis DeBakey, born Michel Dabaghi
(Lake Charles, Louisiana, 7/9/1908 – Houston, Texas, 11/7/2008) |
Nagīb Mahfūz
(Cairo, Egypt, 11/12/1911 – Cairo, Egypt, 30/8/2006) |
Victor Assad Najjar
(Beirut, Lebanon, 15/4/1914 – Nashville, Tennessee, 30/11/2002) |
Sir Peter Brian Medawar
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28/2/1915 – London, England, 2/10/1987) |
Albert Habib Hourani
(Manchester, England, 31/2/1915 – 17/1/1993) |
Abd el-Majid Hidr, then Lieutenant Colonel Amos Yarkoni
(Na'oura, Israel, 1920 – Tel-Aviv, Israel, 7/2/1991) |
Elias James Corey, born William James Corey
(Methuen, Massachusetts, 12/7/1928) |
Ahmed Hassan Zewail (Damanhur, Egypt, 26/2/1946)
Zaha Hadid
(Baghdad, Iraq, 31/10/1950) |
Lisa Najeeb Halaby, then Queen Noor of Jordan
(Washington, D.C., 23/8/1951) |
Steven Paul Jobs
(S. Francisco, California, 24/2/1955 – Palo Alto, California, 5/10/2011) |
Taher Elgamal
(Egypt, 18/8/1955) |
Rania Al-Yassin, then Queen Rania of Jordan
(Kuwait, 31/8/1970) |
Alean Al-Krenawi
(Negev, Israel) |
Aref Abu-Rabia
(Negev, Israel) |
Jewish Personalities
The number of Jewish distinguished personalities in every discipline is definitely much greater than it would be in proportion with the Jewish population. The names listed below are only a few of them, mainly concerning science and technology, excluding representatives of arts and other humanistic fields. It is also significant the versatility shown by Jewish intellectuals and professionals, that worked for the progress of the nations which they were serving: during the "Cold War" that characterized the second half of the 20th century, Jewish scientists, philosophers, writers, artists, etc. have contributed to the cultural, social and scientific development in both the Soviet and the Western sides.
Dankmar Adler
(Stadtlengsfeld, Prussia, 3/7/1844 – Illinois, 16/4/1900) |
Max Nöther, or Max Noether
(Mannheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, 24/9/1844 – Erlangen, Germany, 13/12/1921) |
Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (Kharkov, Russian Empire, 16/5/1845 – Paris, France, 15/7/1916) |
Gabriel Jonas Lippmann (Hollerich, Luxemburg, 16/8/1845 – open sea, 13/7/1921) |
Emile Berliner (Wolfenbuttel, Germany, 21/5/1851 – Washington, D.C., 3/8/1929) |
Paul Ehrlich
(Strehlen, Prussia -now Strzelin, Poland-, 14/3/1854 – Bad Homburg, Germany, 20/8/1915) |
David Gestetner
(Csorna, Hungary, 20/3/1854 – London, England, 18/3/1939) |
Phoebe Sarah Marks, known as Hertha Ayrton
(Portsea, England, 28/4/1854 – Lancing, England, 23/8/1923) |
Sigismund Shlomo Freud
(Freiberg in Mähren, Austria-Hungary -now Príbor, Czech-, 6/5/1856 – London, England, 23/9/1939) |
Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine, born Vladimir Aaronovich Havkin
(Odessa, Russian Empire, 15/3/1860 – Lausanne, Switzerland, 26/10/1930) |
Vito Volterra
(Ancona, Italy, 3/5/1860 – Rome, Italy, 11/10/1940) |
Jacob Robert Emden
(Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, 4/3/1862 – Zürich, Switzerland, 8/10/1940) |
Franz Oppenheimer
(Berlin, Prussia, 30/3/1864 – Los Angeles, California, 30/11/1943) |
Guido Castelnuovo
(Venice, Italy, 14/8/1865 – Rome, Italy, 27/4/1952) |
Albert Kahn
(Rhaunen, Prussia, 21/3/1869 – Detroit, Michigan, 8/12/1942) |
Alfred Adler
(Rudolfsheim, Austria, 7/2/1870 – Aberdeen, Scotland, 28/5/1937) |
Arthur Korn
(Breslau, Prussia -now Wroclaw, Poland-, 20/5/1870 – Jersey City, New Jersey, 22/12/1945) |
Rachel Hirsch
(Prussia, 1870 – London, England, 1953) |
Imre Róth, Emery Roth
(Gálszécs, Hungary -now Sečovce, Slovakia-, 1871 – New York City, 20/8/1948) |
Benno Strauß
(Fürth, Germany, 30/1/1873 – Vorwohle, Germany, 27/9/1944) |
Tullio Levi-Civita
(Padova, Italy, 29/3/1873 – Rome, Italy, 29/12/1941) |
Otto Loewi
(Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 3/6/1873 – New York City, 25/12/1961) |
Sándor Ferenczi, or Sándor Fraenkel
(Miskolc, Hungary, 7/7/1873 – Budapest, Hungary, 22/5/1933) |
Karl Schwarzschild
(Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 9/10/1873 – Potsdam, Germany, 11/5/1916) |
Gustav Georg Embden
(Hamburg, Germany, 10/11/1874 – Nassau, Germany, 25/7/1933) |
Chaim Azriel Weizmann
(Motal, Russian Empire, 27/11/1874 – Rehovot, Israel, 9/11/1952) |
Max Abraham
(Danzig, Germany -now Gdańsk, Poland-, 26/3/1875 – München, Germany, 16/11/1922) |
Julius Hayes Hess
(Ottawa, Illinois, 26/1/1876 – 1955) |
Viktor Kaplan
(Mürzzuschlag, Austria, 27/11/1876 – Unterach am Attersee, Austria, 23/8/1934) |
Aaron Aaronsohn
(Bacău, Romania, 1876 – over the English Channel/La Manche, 15/5/1919) |
Carl Alexander Neuberg
(Hannover, Germany, 29/7/1877 – New York, 30/5/1956) |
Marcel Grossmann
(Budapest, Hungary, 9/4/1878 – Zürich, Switzerland, 7/9/1936) |
Lina Solomonovna Stern
(Liepāja, Russian Empire -now Latvia-, 26/8/1878 – Moscow, Russia, 7/3/1968) |
Lise Meitner
(Vienna, Austria, 7/11/1878 – Cambridge, England, 27/10/1968) |
Albert Einstein
(Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire, 14/3/1879 – Princeton, New Jersey, 18/4/1955) |
Paul Ehrenfest
(Vienna, Austria, 18/1/1880 – Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25/9/1933) |
Sir Isaac Shoenberg
(Pinsk, Russian Empire, 1/3/1880 – London, England, 25/1/1963) |
Richard Martin Gans
(Hamburg, Germany, 7/3/1880 – La Plata, Argentina, 27/6/1954) |
Abram Fyodorovich Ioffe
(Romny, Russian Empire -now Ukraine-, 29/10/1880 – Leningrad -now St. Petersburg-, Russia, 14/10/1960) |
Julius Edgar Lilienfeld
(Lemberg, Austro-Hungarian Empire -now Lviv, Ukraine-, 18/4/1881 – Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands, 28/8/1963) |
Theodore von Kármán, born
Szőllőskislaki Kármán Tódor (Budapest, Hungary, 11/5/1881 – Aachen, Germany, 7/5/1963) |
Ernst Gräfenberg
(Adelebsen, Germany, 1881 – New York City, 28/10/1957) |
Emanuel Goldberg
(Moscow, Russia, 1881 – Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1970) |
Melanie Klein
(Vienna, Austria, 30/3/1882 – London, England, 22/9/1960) |
Otto Heinrich Warburg
(Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 8/10/1883 – Berlin, Germany, 1/8/1970) |
Israel Julius Fromm
(Konin, Russian Empire, 4/3/1883 – London, England, 12/5/1945) |
Yakov Karol Oskarovich Parnas
(Mokriany, Austro-Hungarian Empire -now in Ukraine-, 16/1/1884 – Moscow, Russia, 29/1/1949) |
Otto Fritz Meyerhof
(Hannover, Germany, 12/4/1884 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 6/10/1951) |
Erich Mendelsohn
(Allenstein, East Prussia -now Olsztyn, Poland-, 21/3/1887 – S. Francisco, California, 15/9/1953) |
Edward Neville da Costa Andrade,
(London, England, 27/12/1887 – London, England, 6/6/1971) |
Victor Moritz Goldschmidt
(Zürich, Switzerland, 27/1/1888 – Oslo, Norway, 20/3/1947) |
Selman Abraham Waksman
(Nova Pryluka, Russian Empire, 22/7/1888 – Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 16/8/1973) |
Kurt Zadek Lewin
(Mogilno, Prussia -now Poland-, 9/9/1890 – Newtonville, Massachusetts, 12/2/1947) |
Abraham Low
(Baranów Sandomierski, Poland, 28/2/1891 – Rochester, Minnesota, 1954) |
Richard Joseph Neutra
(Vienna, Austria, 8/4/1892 – Wuppertal, Germany, 16/4/1970) |
Mikhail Iosifovich Gurevich
(Rubanščina, Russia, 12/1/1893 – Leningrad -now St. Petersburg-, Russia, 12/11/1976) |
Kornél Lánczos, or Kornél Löwy
(Székesfehérvár, Hungary, 2/2/1893 – Budapest, Hungary, 25/6/1974) |
Boris Mikhailovich Hessen
(Elisavetgrad, Russia -now Kirovohrad, Ukraine-, 16/8/1893 – Moscow, Russia, 20/12/1936) |
Yakov Ilyich Frenkel
(Rostov-na-Donu, Russia, 10/2/1894 – Leningrad -now St. Petersburg-, Russia, 23/1/1952) |
Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa,
(Kronstadt, Russia, 9/7/1894 – Moscow, Russia, 8/4/1984) |
Sofya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya
(Pruzhany, Russia, 31/1/1896 – Moscow, Russia, 24/10/1966) |
Roman Osipovich Jakobson
(Moscow, Russia, 11/10/1896 – Massachusetts, 18/7/1982) |
Samuel Noah Kramer
(Zhashkiv, Russian Empire -now Ukraine-, 28/9/1897 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26/11/1990) |
Simcha Blass
(Warsaw, Russian Empire -now Poland-, 27/11/1897 – Tel-Aviv, Israel, 18/7/1982) |
Sylvan Nathan Goldman
(Ardmore, Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma, 15/11/1898 – Oklahoma City, 27/11/1984) |
Oscher Zaritsky
(Kobryn, Russia, 24/4/1899 – Brookline, Massachusetts, 4/7/1986) |
Charlotte Auerbach,
(Krefeld, Germany, 14/5/1899 – Edinburgh, Scotland, 17/3/1994) |
László József Bíró
(Budapest, Hungary, 29/9/1899 – Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24/11/1985) |
Juda Hirsch Quastel,
(Sheffield, England, 2/10/1899 – Vancouver, Canada, 15/10/1987) |
Leopold Damrosch Mannes
(New York City, 26/12/1899 – 11/8/1964) |
Pál László, Paul Laszlo
(Debrecen, Hungary, 6/2/1900 – Santa Monica, California, 27/3/1993) |
Leopold Godowsky, Jr.
(New York City, 27/5/1900 – 18/2/1983) |
Erich Pinchas Fromm
(Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 23/3/1900 – Locarno, Switzerland, 18/3/1980) |
Dénes Gábor,
(Budapest, Hungary, 5/6/1900 – London, England, 9/2/1979) |
Semyon Alekseyevich Lavochkin
(Smolensk, Russia, 29/8/1900 – Moscow, Russia, 9/6/1960) |
Joseph Bernard Friedman
(Cleveland, Ohio, 9/10/1900 – 21/6/1982) |
Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky,
Leiser-Itze Schmalowski, known as Louis Isadore Kahn |
Berthold Romanovich Lubetkin
(Tbilisi, Georgia -then Russian Empire-, 14/12/1901 – Bristol, England, 23/10/1990) |
Ephraim Avigdor Speiser
(Skalat, Austria-Hungary -now Ukraine-, 24/1/1902 – Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, 15/6/1965) |
Marcel Lajos Breuer, Lajkó Breuer
(Pécs, Hungary, 21/5/1902 – New York City, 1/7/1981) |
Erik Homburger Erikson, born Erik Salomonsen
(Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 15/6/1902 – Harwich, Massachusetts, 12/5/1994) |
Alexander Romanovich Luria
(Kazan, Russia, 16/7/1902 – Moscow, Russia, 14/8/1977) |
Egon Orován
(Budapest, Hungary, 2/8/1902 – Cambridge, Massachusetts, 3/8/1989) |
Abraham Wald
(Kolozsvár, Hungary, 31/10/1902 – Travancore, India, 13/12/1950) |
Morris Lapidus
(Odessa, Russian Empire -now Ukraine-, 25/11/1902 – Miami Beach, Florida, 18/1/2001) |
Gregory Goodwin Pincus
(Woodbine, New Jersey, 9/4/1903 – Boston, Massachusetts, 22/8/1967) |
Victor David Gruen, born
Viktor David Grünbaum (Vienna, Austria, 18/74/1903 – 14/2/1980) |
John von Neumann, born János Lajos Neumann
(Budapest, Hungary, 28/12/1903 – Washington D.C., 8/2/1957) |
J. Robert Oppenheimer
(New York City, 22/4/1904 – Princeton, New Jersey, 18/2/1967) |
Hermann Henselmann
(Roßla, Prussia, 3/2/1905 – Berlin, Germany, 19/1/1995) |
Viktor Emil Frankl
(Vienna, Austria, 26/3/1905 – 2/9/1997) |
Hans Freudenthal
(Luckenwalde, Prussia, 17/9/1905 – Utrecht, Netherlands, 13/10/1990) |
Sir Ernst Boris Chain
(Berlin, Prussia, 19/6/1906 – Caisleán an Bharraigh, Ireland, 12/8/1979) |
Albert Sabin, born Albert Saperstein
(Byalistok, Russian Empire -now Poland-, 26/8/1906 – Washington D.C., 3/3/1993) |
Péter Károly Goldmark
(Budapest, Hungary, 2/12/1906 – Westchester, New York, 7/12/1977) |
Sir Rudolf Ernst Peierls
(Berlin, Germany, 5/6/1907 – Oxford, England, 19/9/1995) |
Guido Pontecorvo
(Pisa, Italy, 29/11/1907 – Pisa, Italy, 25/9/1999) |
Lev Davidovich Landau
(Baku, Russian Empire -now Azerbaidjan-, 22/1/1908 – Moscow, Russia, 1/4/1968) |
Abraham Harold Maslow
(Brooklyn, New York, 1/4/1908 – California, 8/6/1970) |
Albert Neuberger,
(Hassfurt, Germany, 15/4/1908 – England, 14/8/1996) |
Max Abramovitz,
(Illinois, 23/5/1908 – Pound Ridge, New York, 12/9/2004) |
Claude Lévi-Strauss
(Brussels, Belgium, 28/11/1908 – Paris, France, 1/11/2009) |
Hanon Ilyich Izakson
(Novo-Bereslav, Russia -now Ukraine-, 15/3/1909 – Taganrog, Russia, 4/4/1985) |
Nathan Rosen
(Brooklyn, New York, 22/3/1909 – Haifa, Israel, 18/12/1995) |
Rita Levi-Montalcini
(Turin, Italy, 22/4/1909 – Rome, Italy, 30/12/2012) |
Edwin Herbert Land
(Bridgeport, Connecticut, 7/5/1909 – Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1/3/1991) |
Gordon Bunshaft
(Buffalo, New York, 9/5/1909 – 6/8/1990) |
Rudolf Kompfner
(Vienna, Austria, 16/5/1909 – Stanford, California, 3/12/1977) |
Jacob Rabinow,
Yakov Aaronovich Rabinovichin
(Kharkov, Russian Empire -now Kharkiv, Ukraine-, 1910 – New York, 1999) |
David Shoenberg
(Pinsk, Russia -now Belarus-, 4/1/1911 – Cambridge, England, 10/3/2004) |
Yisrael Galili, born Izrael Berchenko
(Brailov, Russian Empire -now Ukraine-, 10/2/1911 – Kibbutz Na’an, Israel, 8/2/1986) |
Bernard Katz
(Leipzig, Prussia, 26/3/1911 – London, England, 20/6/2003) |
Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich
(St. Petersburg, Russia, 19/1/1912 – Moscow, Russia, 7/4/1986) |
Martin Schwarzschild
(Potsdam, Germany, 31/5/1912 – Langhorne, Pennsylvania, 10/4/1997) |
Israďl Moiseevich Gelfand,
(Okny, Russian Empire -now Krasnye Okny, Ukraine-, 20/8/1913) |
Bruno Pontecorvo
(Marina di Pisa, Italy, 22/8/1913 – Dubna, Russia, 24/9/1993) |
Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, better known as actress Hedy Lamarr
(Vienna, Austria-Hungary, 9/11/1913 – Altamonte Springs, Florida, 19/1/2000) |
Robert Adler
(Vienna, Austria, 4/12/1913 – Boise, Idaho, 15/2/2007) |
Heinz Berggrün
(Berlin, Prussia, 5/1/1914 – Paris, France, 23/2/2007) |
Sidney Eisenshtat
(New Haven, Connecticut, 6/6/1914 – Los Angeles, California, 1/3/2005) |
Jonas Edward Salk
(New York City, 28/10/1914 – La Jolla, California, 23/6/1995) |
Anatole Abragam
(Griva, Russia -now Latvia-, 15/12/1914) |
Yevgeny Mikhailovich Lifschitz
(Kharkov, Russian Empire -now Kharkiv, Ukraine-, 21/2/1915 – Moscow, Russia, 29/10/1985) |
Baron Péter Tamás Bauer
(Budapest, Hungary, 6/11/1915 – London, England, 2/5/2002) |
Frank Reginald Nunes Nabarro
(London, England, 7/3/1916 – London, England, 20/7/2006) |
Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg
(Moscow, Russia, 4/10/1916) |
Herbert Aaron Hauptman
(New York City, 14/2/1917) |
David Joseph Bohm
(Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 14/2/1917 – London, England, 27/10/1992) |
Belle Elion
(New York City, 23/1/1918 – Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 21/2/1999) |
Solomon Aaron Berson
(New York City, 22/4/1918 – Atlantic City, New Jersey, 11/4/1972) |
Richard Phillips Feynman
(New York City, 11/5/1918 – Los Angeles, California, 15/2/1988) |
Jerome Karle
(New York City, 18/6/1918) |
Franco Modigliani
(Rome, Italy, 18/6/1918 – Cambridge, Massachusetts, 25/9/2003) |
Abraham Nemeth
(New York City, 1918) |
Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin
(Baku, Russian Empire -now Azerbaidjan-, 23/8/1919 – Leningrad -now St. Petersburg-, Russia, 3/12/1984) |
Isaak Markovich Khalatnikov
(Dnipropetrovsk, Russian Empire -now Ukraine-, 17/10/1919) |
Rosalind Elsie Franklin
(Notting Hill, London, England, 25/7/1920 – Chelsea, London, England, 16/4/1958) |
Richard Ernest Bellman
(New York City, 26/8/1920 – Los Angeles, California, 19/3/1984) |
Samuel Blum
(New York City, 28/8/1920) |
Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov
(Kusary, Azerbaidjan, 15/6/1921 – Kurgan, Russia, 24/7/1992) |
Alick Isaacs,
(Glasgow, Scotland, 17/7/1921 – 26/1/1967) |
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
(New York City, 19/7/1921) |
Yevgeniy Mikhailovich Landis
(Kharkov, Russia -now Kharkiv, Ukraine-, 6/10/1921 – Moscow, Russia, 12/12/1997) |
Georgiy Maximovich Adelson-Velsky
(Russia, 8/1/1922) |
Albert Schatz
(Norwich, Connecticut, 2/2/1922 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 17/1/2005) |
Imre Lakatos, born
Avrum Lipschitz, then called Imre Molnár
(Debrecen, Hungary, 9/11/1922 – London, England, 2/2/1974) |
Stanley Cohen
(Brooklyn, New York, 17/11/1922) |
Esther Miriam Zimmer Lederberg
(Bronx, New York, 18/12/1922 – Stanford, California, 11/11/2006) |
Jack David Dunitz
(Glasgow, Scotland, 29/3/1923) |
Irving Millman
(New York City, 23/5/1923) |
Harry Seidler
(Staten Island, New York, 18/7/1923 – Los Angeles, California, 1/10/1997) |
Jerome Hal Lemelson
(Vienna, Austria, 25/6/1923 – Sydney, Australia, 9/3/2006) |
Carl Djerassi
(Vienna, Austria, 29/10/1923) |
Uziel Gal, "Uzi", born Gotthard Glass
(Weimar, Germany, 15/12/1923 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 7/9/2002) |
Stanford Ovshinsky
(Akron, Ohio, 1923) |
Michel Mirowski, born Mordechai Frydman
(Warsaw, Poland, 14/10/1924 – Baltimore, Maryland, 26/3/1990) |
Joshua Lederberg
(Montclair, New Jersey, 23/5/1925 – New York City, 2/2/2008) |
Basil Isaac Hirschowitz
(Bethal, South Africa, 29/5/1925) |
Baruch Samuel Blumberg
(New York, 28/7/1925) |
Donald Arthur Glaser
(Cleveland, Ohio, 21/9/1926) |
Leslie Eleazer Orgel
(London, England, 12/1/1927 – S. Diego, California, 27/10/2007) |
Sydney Brenner,
(Germiston, South Africa, 13/1/1927) |
Theodore Harold Maiman
(Los Angeles, California, 11/7/1927 – Vancouver, Canada, 5/5/2007) |
Leon Mestel
(Melbourne, Australia, 5/8/1927) |
Marvin Lee Minsky
(New York City, 9/8/1927) |
Daniel Leonard Dworsky
(Minneapolis, Minnesota, 4/10/1927) |
César Milstein
(Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 8/10/1927 – Cambridge, England, 24/3/2002) |
Bernard Marshall Gordon
(Springfield, Massachusetts, 1927) |
Seymour Papert
(Pretoria, South Africa, 29/2/1928) |
Frank Owen Gehry, born Ephraim Owen Goldberg
(Toronto, Canada, 28/2/1929) |
Zhores Ivanovich Alferov or Alfyorov
(Vitebsk, Belarus', 15/3/1930) |
Charles David Kelman
(Brooklyn, New York, 23/5/1930 – Palm Beach, Florida, 1/6/2004) |
James Ingo Freed
(Essen, Germany, 23/6/1930 – New York City, 15/12/2005) |
Gustave Solomon
(Brooklyn, New York, 27/10/1930 – Beverly Hills, California, 31/1/1996) |
Sir Roy Yorke Calne,
(London, England, 30/12/1930) |
Samuel Fedida,
(England, 1930 ?) |
Felix Alexandrovich Berezin
(Moscow, Russia, 25/4/1931 – Kolyma, Russia, 14/7/1980) |
Michael Ellis Fisher
(Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, 3/8/1931) |
Peter Eisenman
(Newark, New Jersey, 11/8/1932) |
Moses Judah Folkman
(Cleveland, Ohio, 24/2/1933 – Denver, Colorado, 14/1/2008) |
Selig Percy Amoils
(Johannesburg, South Africa, 1933) |
Richard Meier
(Newark, New Jersey, 12/10/1934) |
Carl Edward Sagan
(Brooklyn, New York, 9/11/1934 – Seattle, Washington, 20/12/1996) |
Ronald A. Katz
(1935 ?) |
Edward Albert Feigenbaum
(Weehawken, New Jersey, 20/1/1936) |
Vladimir Igorevich Arnold
(Odessa, Ukraine, 12/6/1937) |
Jaime Lerner
(Curitiba, Brazil, 17/12/1937) |
Manuel Blum
(Caracas, Venezuela, 26/4/1938) |
Moshe Safdie
(Haifa, Israel, 14/7/1938) |
Leonard "Lenny" Lipton
(Brooklyn, New York, 18/5/1940) |
Jef Raskin
(New York City, 9/3/1943 – Pacifica, California, 26/2/2005) |
Ernő Rubik
(Budapest, Hungary, 13/7/1944) |
Iosif Naumovič Bernštejn
(Moscow, Russia, 18/4/1945) |
Philip Cohen,
(Middlesex, England, 22/7/1945) |
Leonard Max Adleman
(S. Francisco, California, 31/12/1945) |
Lee Felsenstein
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1945) |
Daniel Libeskind
(Lódz, Poland, 12/5/1946) |
Robert Samuel Langer
(Albany, New York, 29/8/1948) |
Philippe Kahn
(France, 16/3/1952) |
Adi Shamir
(Tel-Aviv, Israel, 16/3/1952) |
Jeffrey Friedman
(Orlando, Florida, 20/7/1954) |
Jonathan J. Rubinstein
(New York City, 1956) |
Noga Alon
(Israel, 1956) |
Shafrira “Shafi” Goldwasser
(New York City, 1958) |
Nicolas Berggruen
(1962) |
Kevin David Mitnick
(Los Angeles, California, 6/8/1963) |
Julie Eizenberg
(1964) |
Grigorii Yakovlevich Perelman, Grisha Perelman
(St. Petersburg, Russia, 13/6/1966) |
Lawrence Edward Page, "Larry" Page
(Ann Arbor, Michigan, 26/3/1973) |
Sergey Mikhailovich Brin
(Moscow, Russia, 21/8/1973) |
Mark Zuckerberg
(White Plains, New York, 14/5/1984) |
Dustin Moskovitz
Justin Rosenstein
Joel Davidson
(United States) |
Gavriel Iddan
(Israel) |
Rafi Yoeli
(Tel-Aviv, Israel) |
Ruth Kedar (Brazil)
Ori Allon
(Israel) |
The fall of the Arab
Empire determined also the end of the scientific and cultural development of he
Arab world, whose brilliant scientists and philosophers date back to the
Caliphate period. The availability of opportunities existing today in the West
has allowed some Arab professionals to develop their capacity in complete
freedom, and some achievements have been produced by Arab scientists, as the
peristaltic pump, the Najjar solution, tissue grafting for
transplants, retrosynthetic analysis or femtochemistry.
the inventions and discoveries achieved by Jewish people, we can number thousands of them,
from simple items of everyday use like the blue jeans,
the ball-pen, the television set, the shopping cart or the contraceptive pill
to the highest breakthrough technology in medicine, aeronautic industry, engineering, nuclear fission,
the structure of DNA or the Theory of Relativity. A great deal of essential vaccines, antibiotics
and treatments have been produced by research done by Jewish scientists, as well as cutting-edge medical devices.
In everyday life, a person can hardly avoid using anything that has been discovered or invented by a Jew.
The Nobel Prize is the most prestigiuos international award given to people who have made some important contribution to mankind. The disciplines considered are: Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, Economics and Peace. This last one does not imply any kind of creativity or outstanding intelligence, therefore, they deserve to be counted apart. If the amount of Nobel Prizes won by a nation or people are to be considered as a marker of cultural development, we can reach misleading conclusions. It is the education and commitment, not the ethnicity, that should be credited. Unfortunately, many nations are hindered from progress not because their population is intellectually less capable than other peoples, but because of their education policy, that is conditioned either by religious or political bias. On the other side, there are human groups for whom education and progress have priority over prejudices of any kind and should be pursued overcoming any social, political or financial situation, and the results they obtain are evident. Between 1901 and 2007, 777 individuals and 20 organizations have been awarded the Nobel Prize.
Arab Nobel Prizes
(except Peace)
Out of more than three hundred million inhabitants of the Arab countries,
there are only two Nobel Prizes:
Nagib Mahfouz (Literature, 1988) and Ahmed Zewail (Chemistry, 1999), both from Egypt. One of them, Ahmed Zewail, developed his career and research in the West.
Nagib Mahfouz was beaten and as consequence he remained partially paralyzed, because he supported peace with Israel.
Out of the Arab world, there were other two Arab Nobel Prizes, both of Lebanese Christian origin: Elias James Corey (Chemistry, 1990),
American, and Sir Peter Brian Medawar (Medicine, 1960), Brazilian, of British mother.
Christian Lebanese do not always regard themselves as Arabs, however, we can agree in considering them an Arabic-speaking people.
There were also two Nobel Prizes born in Algeria, when it belonged to France, but none of the two was Arab: Albert Camus (Literature, 1957),
was of French-Spanish origin, and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Physics, 1997), Jewish. Another French laureate was born in Morocco, Serge Haroche (Physics, 2012), Jewish.
Total of Arab laureates: 4
Jewish Nobel Prizes
(except Peace)
The number of Jewish Nobel Prizes is definitely not proportional to the Jewish world population. There are several complete name lists available, which should be updated every year, therefore, here we present only a brief resume of the number of Jewish Nobel laureates by discipline and country, avoiding to repeat what is available in other sources concerning the names of each one.
By discipline : |
Biomedical Sciences |
between 1908 and 2013: |
57 |
Chemistry |
between 1905 and 2013: |
36 |
Physics |
between 1907 and 2016: |
50 |
Literature |
between 1910 and 2016: |
15 |
Economic Sciences |
between 1970 and 2016: |
28 |
Total of Jewish laureates: 186
They represented the following countries (in cases of more than one citizenship, the birth place is chosen):
Excluding Nobel for Peace, International and Organizations, otherwise, the total laureates are:
Argentina: 5; Austria: 19; Belgium: 9; Canada: 19; Czech: 6; Denmark: 13;
Germany: 93;
Israel: 12; Italy: 20; Poland: 10;
Russia: 20 (the laureates from Azerbaidjan and Belarus' -all Jewish- are usually counted as Russian,
that makes: 23, of which 12 Jewish); South Africa: 9; Switzerland: 19; United Kingdom: 103; United States: 256.
France: Excluding 9 Nobel for Peace, 2 Algerian-born laureates and 1 Moroccan-born laureate, but including Madagascar and Caribbean-born laureates.
The total French Nobel Prizes, including Algerian and Moroccan, are: 52, of which 7 Jewish (1 Algerian-born, 1 Moroccan-born and 1 Peace Nobel), 13 %.
** Germany-Poland: 15 laureates (7 Jewish) born in former Prussian territories
now belonging to Poland are considered German, according to their birth nationality.
** Germany-Russia: 1 laureate (Jewish) born in former East Prussia,
now belonging to Russia, is considered German, according to his birth nationality.
** Germany-France: 2 laureates (1 Jewish) born in former German territories
now belonging to France are considered German, according to their birth nationality.
Peace Nobel Prizes
The Nobel Prize for Peace should be counted separately, not only because it is given at Oslo instead of Stockholm, but also because it is not awarded for any creative achievement and often it has short-lasting effect (as the "peace" agreed in 1994) or not any effect at all in mankind's cultural development.
Until 2011, there are eight Jewish Peace Nobel Prizes:
1911 |
Austria-Hungary |
Alfred Hermann Fried |
Until 2011, there are three Arab Peace Nobel Prizes:
1978 |
Egypt |
Anwar El-Sadat |
Anwar El-Sadat was murdered for having recognized the State of Israel. Obviously, here we cannot consider a Nobel Prize for Peace given in 1994 to a terrorist who was always proud of being photographed holding a Kalashnikov gun, before and after having been unworthyly awarded. However, we have also omitted listing another Peace Nobel Prize conferred in 1973 to a Jewish diplomat who was the American Secretary of State, thus having dropped one from each side and avoided mentioning their names (although usually for each Jew they are required many Arabs, mainly when it concerns to prisoner exchange, here we consider both peoples having equal dignity, and exchanges are done 1 x 1).
In conclusion, until 2011, the Jewish Nobel Prizes, including Peace, are 182, representing 26 countries. The Arab Nobel Prizes are 7, from 4 countries: Egypt, Yemen, Brazil and the United States. The only Arab countries having Nobel laureates are Egypt and Yemen. Egypt, with 4 laureates, of which 2 are Peace awards, one of them was laureated in Chemistry but his scientific work was possible because his studies were performed in the West, one of them was awarded in Literature and punished for his position for peace with the Jewish State, and one of them was killed for the same reason. The only Yemeni laureate was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Next: |
Part I: Israel and the Arab World
All human beings are equal. There is no superior people. |
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